Building Britain’s Biggest Nuclear Power Station

With a price tag of over 22 billion pounds, Hinkley Point C is one of the largest nuclear power stations in Europe. With unique behind-the-scenes access, this series explores the challenges involved with building the remarkable construction site in the remote Somerset countryside. Following the technicians, engineers and behind-the-scenes staff who keep the project on track.
Release Date
2 June 2021
Production Co.
Envy Credits
Jannine Martin
Edith Rivers
Grading / Colour
We have six Baselight TWO colour grading suites all with the latest Dolby and Sony monitoring allowing our grading team to work at resolutions from HD up to 4K HDR. All suites are connected to a high-speed SAN and supported by a Baselight Assist, allowing imports/exports to happen in the background without interrupting the session.
Grading Team
Our online team operate across ten Avid Symphony suites and two Autodesk Flame systems all connected via high performance shared storage, working at resolutions from HD up to 4K HDR and beyond if required. They offer the latest plugins from both Boris and Sapphire, as well as the highest quality broadcast monitoring available. The team are highly experienced in large-scale multi-episodic productions as well as fast turnaround ‘day of transmission’ style projects.